Demographic Data

Gender: Woman (695, 87.2%), Man (99, 12.4%), Non-binary (1, 0.1%), Other (2, 0.3%)

Age: 18-24 (3, 0.3%), 25-30 (457, 48.3%), 31-35 (393, 41.5%), 36-40 (74, 7.8%), 41-45 (11, 1.2%), 46+ (8, 0.8%)

Representation of participant specialty identification. Fellows were instructed to designate specialty from which their fellowship stems from.

Race/ethnicity: Black (38, 4.0%), Latinx/a (56, 5.9%), Indigenous peoples (3, 0.3%), White (634, 67.0%), Asian (136, 14.4%), Middle eastern (32, 3.4%), Mixed race (28, 3.0%), Other (19, 2.0%)

Marital status: Married or partnered (805, 85.1%), Not currently married, not partnered, or currently divorced/separated (141, 14.9%)

Number of children: (this includes mothers who have lost children and those who are currently pregnant) 0 (372, 39.3%), 1 (353, 37.3%), 2 (170, 18.0%), 3 (39, 4.1%), 4+ (12, 1.3%)

At least one child less than 5 years old: Yes (522, 55.2%), No (423, 44.8%)

Whether you have children or not, do you desire a child / another child during training? Yes (569, 60.1%), No (377, 39.9%)

Have you been pregnant or given birth in the last 12 months? Yes (390, 41.3%), No (555, 58.7%)

Are you a resident or fellow? Resident (758, 80.5%), Fellow (184, 19.5%)

Program setting type: Academic (630, 66.7%), Community (129, 13.7%), Academic-community hybrid (176, 18.6%), Military (9, 1.0%)

Have you been a victim of moral injury (also known as burnout) during your career as a physician? Moral injury is defined by being unable to provide high-quality care and healing in the context of health care given your own emotional exhaustion, detachment, decreased performance given the stresses of medicine and its culture? Yes (589, 62.4%), No (355, 37.6%)

When compared to participants reporting maternal discrimination, there was no statistically significant relationship between moral injury/burnout and those experiencing MD versus those not experiencing MD.

Maternal discrimination takes many forms. Please indicate which broad categories you have experienced (select all that apply). You will have an opportunity to describe your personal experience in the next prompt.

371 respondents checked multiple categories, shown here.